Market Hours

One of the features of the Forex market is that it works from 0:00 Monday to Friday 23:00. Weekend for the market is Saturday and Sunday, because most of the banks are not working (in the market is extremely low liquidity in these days). As soon as one continent is out of the market, the other starts to work. Market forecasts.


Region City Opening Closing
ASIAN Tokyo 1:00 9:00
Hong Kong 2:00 10:00
Singapore 1:00 9:00
EUROPEAN Frankfurt 7:00 15:00
London 8:00 16:00
AMERICAN New York 14:00 22:00
Chicago 15:00 23:00
PACIFIC Wellington 21:00 5:00
Sydney 21:00 5:00


Time zone is GMT +1 (Central European Time, ECT) 
The market in each region has its own peculiarities..
In this trading session, the most active transaction market forex transactions dollar against Japanese yen (USDJPY), dollar against euro (EURUSD), euro against yen (EURJPY) and Australian dollar against U.S. dollar (AUDUSD).


In this session are traded in the European financial centers. Volatility of the major currency pairs is substantially increased after the opening of the London market. Trading activity is slightly reducedin the lunch time, but by the evening the participants again returning to the market with the same activity. Movement of currency during the European session can be significant because Europe has a large mass of funds.
The busiest traffic Forex begin with the opening of the session in New York, when U.S. banks are starting to work and back from lunch European dealers. Force of European and American banks are about equal, so no change in comparison with the European session on the market usually does not occur. However, after the close of the European session, volatility may increase, especially in Friday, before the weekend. American session noted increased aggression in trade.
The most peaceful time in the market.